They may be cute, but please don't feed the ducks!
Do not bathe or wash objects in or near the Lake - especially with toxic cleaners, soaps or phosphorous containing detergents.
Don't feed the ducks and other aquatic wildlife - their waste contains nutrients that feed aquatic weeds and algae.
Pick up your pet waste - like artificial fertilizers, the nutrients from pet waste can wash into storm drains, streams and lakes after it
rains, not to mention the bacteria and other pathogens found in pet waste!
- Run full loads in your dishwasher and washing machine and conserve water where possible - it will help your septic system work better.
Take your car to a car wash. If you must wash your car or boat yourself, do not wash it on the driveway. Instead, wash it over the lawn,
away from the lake, so the ground can absorb more of the phosphorous and/or chemicals.
- Recycle or properly dispose of household chemicals, waste and harmful vehicular fluids so that they don't end up in our lake.